BTW Series: #Atari
By the way, Atari just announced a new console. Not much is known about it, but they have claimed they are “back in the hardware business”. I was 5 when I first got an Atari 2600 in the 80’s. My dad brought it home, and our first game was Space Invaders. While the graphics were rudimentary compared to the realism of today, my imagination filled in the rest. Nowadays, we don’t have to imagine too much - just strap on a VR headset, and you’re instantly transported to a new world with sights, sounds, even smells and touch in some cases. How will Atari make a dent in the console market industry? Will they make a multiplayer Asteroids with VR audio headsets? How will they build upon classics like PacMan and bring them into the 21st century? One can only imagine...